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Age Group: 5th-6th grade, 7th-8th grade.

Annual No. of Participants:

1,500 Arab students / 1,500 Jewish students. 

Region / Location: Nationwide. 

Duration: 1 year.

Frequency: 1 session per week.

Session Length: 1-2 hrs.

Organization Staff: 12 National Coordinators / 3 Organizing Team members / 1 Pedagogic Adviser & Research Consultant  / 1 Technology Expert.

Professional staff training: 60 annual hours.  

Evaluation: External evaluation in Hebrew, results upon request.

Contact: Dr. Elaine Hoter


+972 050-887-5552

Program Description

Online collaborative learning over a year between small groups of pupils from 3 different schools. Each school cluster includes a school from the Arab sector, (MuslIm, Christian, or Druze) and a secular Jewish school. The third school is either from a religious Jewish school or a school from a different Arab sector or a special education class/school.

The objective is to use technology to gradually get to know the other through collaborative learning of subjects chosen by the teachers of the clusters (learning our heritage, environmental studies etc.) The project is based on the TEC Model developed by the TEC Center to gradually build trust and understanding between the participants.

The teachers take an online preparatory course and meet for an intensive three days to work together with the other 2 teachers in their cluster and build the course for the year. The course uses advanced technology, a special social network and a virtual island built especially for the interactions. The children meet synchronously and have at least one face to face meeting.

Potential Development - Pending Funding

For the past 3 years, the program has been supported 100% by the Ministry of Education in Israel as a special project. However, in the future we will need to find half of the funding through philanthropic sources.

Research has shown that pupils taking part in this project lessen their prejudices to the other and this change is long term. We therefore want to give as many children as possible this life changing experience.


Philanthropic Contribution: N/A  

Ministry of Education / Govt. Allocation: 100%

Total Program Cost: 2,200,000 NIS 

Fees: N/A

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