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Let's Talk

Merchavim-Institute for the Advancement of Shared Citizenship in Israel

Age Group: 4th-6th grade. 

Annual No. of Participants: 35 Arab teachers & approximately 10,000 Jewish elementary school students. 

Region / Location: Central District

Duration: 2-3 school yrs.

Frequency: 1 session per week. 

Session Length: 90 min. class

Organization Staff: 1 Coordinator / 1 Supervisor / 1 Director of Ed. Programming. 

Professional training: 20 annual hrs. per staff member.

Evaluation: Yes, results upon request. 

Contact: Ronit Rubanenko

Director of Educational Programming


+972 505 840 84985

Program Description

The program develops students’ civic awareness and recognition of other citizens living alongside them. Its primary objectives are the acquisition of basic Arabic language competency and knowledge of Arabic culture.

Students are exposed to communicative Arabic and invited to develop their understanding of the spoken language through stories and dialogue on ethical issues related to recognition of the ‘other’. Additionally, the program exposes students to issues of shared citizenship such as – the identity in a name, likeness and differences, family stories, 'Arab families and my family', identity expressed through clothing, the art of Arabic script, holidays and significant dates, music, and more.

Potential Development - Pending Funding

Leveraging the program to establish encounters between Jewish participants in Let’s Talk and their Arab peers, using Arab teachers as a bridge to connect the Jewish schools in which they work to schools in the communities they come from.

Total Cost: 20,000 NIS

Philanthropic Contribution: 200,000 NIS

(5% Domestic / 95% Foreign).

Ministry of Education / Govt. Allocation: 88%

Fees: 200,000 NIS

for student workbooks


Total Program Cost: 3,400,000 NIS

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